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Higgins Capital Management, Inc.

You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows

Dylan got it right. It feels like there's been a cultural shift in the narrative.

The incoming administration is the most business and market friendly that we’ve seen in the past 50-years. 

Whether their agenda is fully enacted is up to speculation.

For financial markets, this may be another "Bull Market In Everything."

The primary difference this time around is that the Great Moderation is over. 

We can expect greater volatility with a possible rotation out of the Mag7.

When this rotation happens, expect the major indices to be hard hit.

Now may be the time to reallocate into those sectors that could benefit from the coming disruptions to the norm ... as Team Trump begins to implement what may the greatest changes in our history.

This may or may not be hyperbole ... it's dependent on your world view.

But successful investing is the prudent blend of your reality and market reality.

At present, we like energy, infrastructure, metals, commodities and single-countries.

Given our outlook for increased volatility, these sectors may or may not perform strategically.

... and the macro environment may turn these sectors upside down.

Your year end portfolio review is the best opportunity for you to get your questions answered.

Informed investors make better investment decisions.

Protect your wealth and particularly your retirement assets.

Keywords: #investing #higginscapital #rayhiggins #retirement #income #fiduciary #financialplanning
